The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Bible -The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is psychiatry’s billing directive for their voted in mental disorders. As a result of the DSM, psychiatry has reclassified several aspects of otherwise normal human behavior into a mental illness by simply adding the term disorder to the behavior in question (ex. cannabis use disorder, social anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder).
The mental health disorders included in the DSM are not based on science, but rather, the manual is governed by the pharmaceutical industry. The expanding list of “mental disorders”— which are voted into existence, rather than discovered as is the case in conventional body medicine—incorporate psychiatric drugs that can be prescribed and then billed to insurance companies. This formula spells big profits for psychiatrists and drug companies, yet wreaks havoc on patients. Psychiatrists maintain that the DSM dictates how they are paid and how to conduct their practice.
According to the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), in 2013 there were over 8.4 million children (between the ages of 0-17) who were prescribed dangerous and addictive psychiatric drugs in the US alone. Of the 8.4 million children, over one million were five and under.
Since mental disorders are voted into existence in the Manual rather than inclusion based on scientific evidence, the deemed corresponding pharmaceutical drug to treat the voted-in mental disorder, also lacks any scientific evidence as to the drugs efficacy in treating the perceived disorder. More disturbing however, relates to the long-term negative effects of the neuroleptic drugs being prescribed as most are anti-depressants and stimulants with serious negative long-term effects on developing brains..
Furthermore, according to the Psychiatrist, Peter Breggin:
“Psychiatry has never been driven by science. They have no biological or genetic basis for these illnesses and the National Institutes of Mental Health are totally committed to the pharmacological line. … There is a great deal of scientific evidence that stimulants cause brain damage with long-term use, yet there is no evidence that these mental illnesses, such as ADHD, exist.”
Despite the fact that psychiatric drugs are very addictive and have very serious if not fatal side effects, most of these drugs, do not fall under the UN control of drugs since their potential for abuse and consequential addictive value are considered non-existent. This severely is in contradiction to the published scientific evidence on these drugs. In fact, many of these drugs contain "black box labels" due to their extreme harmfulness.
Consider the following quotation:
Misbehavior should not be considered a disease. That’s not what diseases are. Diseases are malfunctions of the human body, of the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brain. Typhoid fever is a disease. Spring fever is not a disease; it is a figure of speech, a metaphoric disease. All mental diseases are metaphoric diseases, misrepresented as real diseases and mistaken for real diseases.” — Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus
There is mounting evidence that pharmaceutical drugs are absolutely useless and parents and caregivers need to review their children's diet and eliminate, as much as possible, the following: chemical ridden processed foods, gluten, processed white sugar, processed white salt, genetically modified foods and food additives.
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