War on Drugs

"Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes." Abe Lincoln

“God makes the Earth yield healing herbs, which the prudent man should not neglect.” Sirach: 38:4 (Catholic Bible.)

The current war on drugs some what resembles an early war on hemp.  Consider the following history of the R.C. Church from the Columbia History of the World, Harper & Row, NY, 1981.:

The Holy Roman Empire

Faced with a crumbling empire, political corruption and a series of ruinous wars with barbarians, the old Roman Empire hovered on the brink of disaster. The religious and twisted ways that were undertaken by the ruling body in Rome in order to maintain its earthly power led those political leaders to crack down on healthy diversity in the field of individual cults and religions.

Starting in 249 A.D., various Roman Emperors launched a string of bloody persecutions, which included the then troublesome Christians. However, by 306 A.D., it was clear that this method of obtaining supporters was not working. Emperor Constantine called off the executions and began to patronize the Christian clergy, which promptly adopted a dogma lifted from “Mithraism,” among other religions: “Royal Blood by Birth,” or the “Divine Right to Rule Other Humans.

The ambitious Constantine saw that while underground, the church had developed into an intolerant, tightly-knit hierarchy; a well organized network second in influence only to his own. By combining church and state, each was able to double its power and seek out the crimes/sins of all its political rivals and enemies with the full support/blessing of the other.

Constantine soon converted to Christianity and declared one mandatory, monistic, state-empowered religion: the Roman Catholic Church (R.C.Ch.); literally, the Roman Universal Church (“catholic” is Latin for “universal”). This was now the absolute and official religion of the empire. In one sweep, all secret societies were outlawed which might have threatened his (and Rome’s) mandate to rule the known world, as they had for the previous 400 consecutive years.

Church/State Aristocracy

After running from the Roman Empire’s police for almost 300 years, Christian Orthodox priests had become their bosses. Starting in the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries A.D., pagan religions and all the different Christian sects, belief systems, knowledge, gospels, etc., such as the Essenes, Gnostics and Merovingians (Franks), were either incorporated into or edited out of official doctrine and hierarchy.

Finally, in a series of councils, all contrary dogmas (e.g., that the Earth was round, and the sun and stars were more than five to 17 miles away) were summarily outlawed and driven underground during the Dark Ages, 400 -1000+ A.D.

By the early Middle Ages, at the beginning of the 11th century A.D., virtually all powers were placed in the hands of the Church and Pope; first by Germanic conquerors, and later by Spanish and French kings and powerful Italian merchants and nobles (the Borgias, Medicis and other megalomaniacs), probably to protect their trade secrets, alliances and sources of wealth.

All European people were forced to adhere to the “Holy” Roman Empire policy: Zero tolerance by a fundamentalist church/police-state with blind faith in one, unquestioned version of how to worship God…and the Pope’s infallibility.

Political rulers aided and abetted the Church in this fraud, as their power now rested only on their new Christian dogma, the patriarchal “Divine right” to rule.

This system kept most of the Western world’s inhabitants in a state of constant terror, not only for their own physical safety and freedom, but also for their eternal spirit, with “Hell” lurking mere inches below the surface for those excommunicated by the church.

The Politics of Paper

The masses of people, “the commons,” were kept in check through a dual system of fear and enforced ignorance. All learning except the most rudimentary was controlled and strictly regulated by the priests.

The commons (about 95% of the people) were forbidden to learn to read or write – not even an alphabet – and often were punished or put to death for doing so.

The people were also forbidden to learn Latin, the language of the Bible. This effectively enabled the few priests who could read to interpret the scriptures any way they pleased for about 1,200 years, until the Reformation in Europe, circa 1600.

To prohibit knowledge, people were literally kept in the dark, without a piece of paper to write on. The monasteries preserved and guarded hemp’s secrets. They saw that cannabis held two threats to this policy of absolute control: papermaking and lamp oil.

Columbia History of the World, Harper & Row, NY, 1981.

Big Pharma Controls Cannabis Research

In 1976, when it was thought that research into the medicinal use of cannabis was about to take off, a ban on cannabis research was accomplished when American pharmaceutical companies successfully petitioned the federal government to be the only ones allowed to finance and judge 100% of cannabis research.

According to the research conducted by Jack Herer in "The Emperor Wears No Clothes":

"The previous ten years of research prior to 1976 had indicated a tremendous promise for the therapeutic uses of natural cannabis, and this potential was quietly turned over to corporate hands – not for the benefit of the public, but to suppress the medical information.

This plan, the drug manufacturers petitioned, would allow our private drug companies time to come up with patentable synthetics of the cannabis molecules at no cost to the federal government, and a promise of “no highs.”

In 1976, the Ford Administration, NIDA and the DEA said in effect, no American independent (read: university) research or federal health program would be allowed to again investigate natural cannabis derivatives for medicine. This agreement was made without any safeguards guaranteeing integrity on the part of the pharmaceutical companies; they were allowed to regulate themselves.

Private pharmaceutical corporations were allowed to do some “no high” research, but it would be only Delta-9 THC research, not any of the 400 other potentially therapeutic isomers in cannabis.

Why did the drug companies conspire to take over marijuana research? 

Because U.S. government research (1966-76) had indicated or confirmed through hundreds of studies that even “natural” crude cannabis was the “best and safest medicine of choice” for many serious health problems.

Protecting Pharmaceutical Companies’ Profits NORML, High Times, and Omni (September 1982) indicate that Eli Lilly, Abbott Labs, Pfizer, Smith, Kline & French, and others would lose hundreds of millions, to billions of dollars annually, and lose even more billions in Third World countries, if marijuana were legal in the U.S.*

* Remember, in 1976, the last year of the Ford Administration, these drug companies, through their own persistence (specifically intense lobbying) got the federal government to cease all positive research into medical marijuana."

The drug companies effectively took control over all research of cannabis and cannabinoids. Eli Lilly came out with Nabilone and later Marinol, synthetic second cousins of THC Delta-9, and promised the government great results.

Unfortunately, cannabinoids produced in a lab are a dismal failure relative to the synergistic effect obtained from the plant as a whole.

The Pharmaceutical companies of Eli Lilly, Pfizer and others stand to lose at least a third of their entire, highly profitable, patent monopoly on such drugs as Darvon, Tuinal, Seconal, and Prozac if Big Pharma lost their control of the cannabis plant.

Is it a surprise to learn that American drug companies and certain pharmacy groups provides the funding for almost half of each of the 4,000 “Families Against Marijuana” type organizations in America? 

The other half is supplied by Action (a federal VISA agency); tobacco companies like Philip Morris; liquor and beer makers like Anheuser Busch, Coors, etc.; or as a “public service” by the ad agencies who represent them.

In conclusion, most studies (matched populations, past and present) indicate that everything else being equal, an average cannabis smoker will actually live longer than his counterpart who does not utilize cannabis; with fewer wrinkles, and generally less stress thereby having fewer illnesses to upset the immune system.

Plants over Pills

Although the numbers have not been formally recorded, there exists a huge number of people that have turned to alternate sources of cancer cures, such as cannabis oil. This number is growing at an unprecedented yet exponential rate each day. This is an unrecorded group that involves the patient being told they are terminal by allopathic medicine, and unfortunately, told to “get their affairs in order” since those allopaths are unable to offer anything further.

Thanks to Rick Simpson and his selfless quest at sharing the fact that cannabis oil (a.k.a. RSO) does in fact cure cancer, I am in that unrecorded group that is undoubtedly, a significant number of cancer survivors today.

Thanks to a court case in Canada, Health Canada reluctantly allowed medicinal marijuana, but only under controlled, prohibited new legislation, all the while espousing the “misinformation” that cannabis is a dangerous drug with no known medicinal benefits. If you are not aware of the fact that during the “war on drugs”, the US and UK government have been secretly applying for patents on the medicinal benefits of the cannabinoids of which THC is one of, catch up - go do some research.

 The cannabinoids in cannabis, which includes the psychoactive THC compound, have been identified as “secondary plant metabolites”. This relatively recent scientific discovery has revealed that secondary plant metabolites are compounds that are not fully understood because their complexity cannot be fully predicted and explained. However, we do know that cannabis is a ruderal plant, one that is capable of surviving despite all odds, thanks to their cannabinoids, or secondary plant metabolites.  

Why are we NOT Allowed to Question Allopathic Doctors

Cannabis, we are now finding out, has been used since the dawn of time.  Early man’s diet undoubtedly included the cannabis plant since it is highly nourishing due to its protein and essential fatty acid content which includes omega 3, 6 and 9 essential daily nutrients.

Cannabis may well have been the first cultivated plant on this planet.  Why do we not know this?  Rockefeller’s money. 

 After researching the cancer dollar backwards, it is a fact that medicine was altered by certain interest groups that invested heavily in industries in which cannabis was and is considered the biggest threat to those profits.  The industries include, but are not limited to those that invested heavily in timber (Hearst); plastic (DuPont); black tar (Rockefeller’s Standard Oil); cotton ; and medicine and the planned propaganda involved effectively altered our perception. This all began during the aftermath of the World Wars.

Does this sound far fetched?  Maybe, but cannabis oil cured my terminal liver cancer.  Would you not want to know more about the plant that saved YOUR life?

Consider the following from “PubMed”:

“Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third cause of cancer-related death worldwide. When these tumors are in advanced stages, few therapeutic options are available. Therefore, it is essential to search for new treatments to fight this disease. In this study, we investigated the effects of cannabinoids--a novel family of potential anticancer agents--on the growth of HCC. We found that Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(9)-THC, the main active component of Cannabis sativa) and JWH-015 (a cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB(2)) cannabinoid receptor-selective agonist) reduced the viability of the human HCC cell lines HepG2 (human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line) and HuH-7 (hepatocellular carcinoma cells), an effect that relied on the stimulation of CB(2) receptor. We also found that Δ(9)-THC- and JWH-015-induced autophagy relies on tribbles homolog 3 (TRB3) upregulation, and subsequent inhibition of the serine-threonine kinase Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin C1 axis and adenosine monophosphate-activated kinase (AMPK) stimulation. Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of AMPK upstream kinases supported that calmodulin-activated kinase kinase β was responsible for cannabinoid-induced AMPK activation and autophagy. In vivo studies revealed that Δ(9)-THC and JWH-015 reduced the growth of HCC subcutaneous xenografts, an effect that was not evident when autophagy was genetically of pharmacologically inhibited in those tumors. Moreover, cannabinoids were also able to inhibit tumor growth and ascites in an orthotopic model of HCC xenograft. Our findings may contribute to the design of new therapeutic strategies for the management of HCC.”


It’s about CRIME 

Hemp cultivation and hemp production has never harmed the environment. In fact, the USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that hemp produces four times as much pulp with at least four to seven times less pollution.

From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:

'It (cannabis) has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year's crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds. 

...hemp (cannabis), this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.' 

In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution if applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs that would have generated thousands of quality products. Hemp, if it was not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.

William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing a Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst's grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions if hemp was not taken out of the equation.

In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., would be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America.


Federal Drug Administration 

Critics have pointed out that the novel classification of herbals is a misuse of legislation that was passed in the 1950's. The legislation was meant to regulate the increase of chemical additives being added to the food supply at the time, and not the regulation of the misunderstood compounds found in herbal remedies (plants).

The FDA states that the above measures were necessary as a means for protecting the conventional integrity of the food supply.

"Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana" review

The book "Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana -Medical, Recreational and Scientific" by Martin A. Lee won the 2012 James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award.  The book is a fascinating and educational history lesson surrounding the political criminalization of a plant that was previously used as a cure-all since the dawn of time.

In addition to a detailed accounting of Harry Anslinger's deplorable fabricated tactics devised against "marijuana", the author follows cannabis to Haight-Ashbury in the 1950's including describing the 1958 sentencing of Neal Cassady, a cannabis evangelist,  to two terms of five years to life in San Quentin prison for offering a couple of joints free of charge to undercover narcs.

In 1962 President John F. Kennedy, in what has been described as a long overdue move, finally sacked Harry Anslinger, head of the then Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN).  Despite this move however, corruption rampantly continued among FBN agents.  According to the Wurms Report near the end of the sixties, the FBN itself had been the major source of supply and protection of heroin in the US.  Several FBN agents were then indicted and nearly every agent in the New York office was subsequently fired, forced into retirement or transferred.

Further research reveals that the US government first became involved in narcotics control in 1914 when congress  enacted the Harrison Narcotics Act.  Coincidentally (or not), less than a year earlier, Rockefeller changed the name of another agency, the Bureau of Chemistry to what it is known today as the FDA or Food and Drug Administration.  This move was purportedly done to hide the connection to the chemical industry.

Notably,  in 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation was formed and greatly influenced the future direction of medicine and medical education.

1913 was also the year the Federal Reserve, a privately held central bank, was voted into existence.

Another Corrupt Existence

In 1930, just before President Hoover appointed Harry Jacob
Anslinger as the director of the newly formed FBN, in what was to become a recurring theme in federal narcotic enforcement, a grand jury found that the federal narcotic agents in New York City had falsified their records in order to take credit for arrests made by the NYPD plus some of the agents themselves were involved with narcotic trafficking.

After Anslinger was sacked, his predecessor, in 1968, uncovered a corrupt relationship that existed between narcotic agents and the drug traffickers.  The relationship had been deeply entrenched in a system used by the FBN- a system that assured a constant number of arrests each year.  The number of arrests were tied to promotions and bonuses received.

Enter the Seventies

June, 1971, President Nixon declared his infamous War on Drugs - and dramatically increased the size and presence of federal drug control agencies plus pushed through mandatory sentencing and no-knock warrants.  In addition, the US government classified cannabis under the newly created schedule one - dangerous drugs with no known medicinal benefits - despite filing patents isolating individual medicinal compounds.  In fact, click on the following link to review the list of patent applications filed on behalf of the US government beginning in 1942:

Just Say No

When Ronald Reagan, the movie star, took office in 1981, his wife coined the phrase Just Say No which then paved the way to zero tolerance incarcerations. In 1984, the Sentencing Reform Act was passed by congress, creating the United States Sentencing Commission.  Within eighteen months, this new commission devised sentences of varying severity for approximately 2,000 federal crimes.  The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 endorsed mandatory minimum sentences for a wide variety of drug offences.

For most of the nations first two hundred years, a convicted person could ask the federal drug for mercy and on the basis of extenuating circumstances, a judge had the professional discretion of reducing a prison sentence or waiving it altogether.  The mandatory-minimum legislation took that power away from the federal judge and handed it to the prosecution.

The Real Danger of Cannabis

Although "Reefer Madness" is partially responsible for the stigma associated with cannabis, the movie is now a cult classic joke.  What are the real dangers associated with cannabis (including "hemp") that required its criminalization after centuries of dependance on this plant for both medicine and food?

Top Five Reasons Why Cannabis is Dangerous:

5. Poses a real danger to the paper industry;

4. Threatens the plastic industry;

3. Dangerous to the oil industry's bottom line;

2. Threatens the cotton industry;

The number one reason why cannabis is dangerous is

1.  Used as a tincture, cannabis cures all diseases thereby putting Big Pharma out of business!

Cannabis Trivia

  • Marijuana is created from the dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa L. Contrary to the label given to it by the government, marihuana is not a narcotic.

  • "Cannabis indica is one of the best additions to cough mixtures that we possess, as it quiets the tickling in the throat, and yet does not constipate or depress the system as does morphine." — Practical Therapeutics (1895)

  • The December, 1941 edition of Popular Mechanics Magazine (Vol 76. No. 6) reported that the Ford Motor Company had completed 12 years of research and has assembled a prototype plastic body car made from 70 percent fiber (wheat straw, hemp) and 30 percent resin. The plastic panels could withstand a blow 10 times greater than steel without denting; the car weighed 1000 lbs less (see picture above).

  • The term 'marihuana' was a slang Mexican term for cannabis or hashish and was not used to describe pot until the feds coined this term in the Marihuana Tax Stamp Act of 1937. It is thought the term was used to confuse the medical community and the booming hemp industry to avoid heated opposition.

  • In early 1942, Japan cut off the US supply of vital hemp and fibers. Hemp and marijuana, which was outlawed in the United States as the "Assassin of Youth" just five years earlier, was suddenly "safe enough" for our government to ask the kids in the Kentucky 4-H clubs to grow the nation's 1943 seed supply. It is estimated that the U.S. Government distributed 400,000 pounds of cannabis Sativa seeds to American farmers in 1942 to aid the World War II war effort.

  • For thousands of years (until 1842), marijuana and hashish extracts were the most widely-used medicines in the world.

  • Hemp was poised to become a billion dollar crop in the U.S. in 1938 (just before World War II).

  • Fiorello La Guardia, mayor of New York, was against the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Skeptical of the government's propaganda, he a commissioned a six-year study by a group of 31 scientists. His commission published a report that scientifically disproved all of the propaganda and ridiculous claims that had been made about smoking marijuana. FBN Head Anslinger used the press to discredit the report and destroyed every copy of this report his agents could locate. He then blocked further research by restricting the availability of marijuana for medical study.

  • In 1972, twenty-five year old Vietnam veteran Don Crowe was convicted of selling marijuana to an undercover cop. It was his first offense and the amount of marijuana was under an ounce. He was sentenced to 50 years in prison.

  • Marijuana was America's number one analgesic for 60 years until the rediscovery of aspirin around 1900. From 1842 to 1900 cannabis compounds made up half of all medicines sold.

  • The cannabis plant can survive in nearly any environment and can grow one to two inches per day to a height of 18 feet.