#1 Superfood on the Planet

Did you know that there is absolutely NO THC in hemp, even though it is related to the Cannabis plant? In fact, hemp is the absolute PERFECT superfood and by adding it to your diet, you remain full longer! This is even more reason to add it to your diet!

Hulled or shelled hemp seeds makes such a delicious pudding, you wish you had this recipe a long time ago! Using hemp seeds in your smoothie will make your smoothie more creamy, more nutritious and more delicious.

Got milk? Milk made from hemp seeds are way more nutritious than any milk on the planet!

In addition, hemp food has been around since the beginning of time and there is not one reported allergic reaction to this superfood!

The only question to ask is "Why is there so much regulation around a plant that only increases one's health?"

Back in the early 20th century, it was John D, Rockefeller, Randolph Hearst and Pierre DuPont whom succeeded in outlawing hemp in America and consequently robbed the people of this superfood.

Hearst invested heavily in the timber industry as a source for his newspaper empire while DuPont was beginning to patent a number of synthetic products made from petroleum including nylon, rayon, plastics and more. Rockefeller controlled the petroleum industry with Standard Oil. Hemp was the competition and threatened the profits for these industries, controlled by greed.

It is estimated that hemp has approximately 25,000 uses and in February, 1938 Popular Mechanics published the following the following:

"It has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year's crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds.
...hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry."

Since the industrial hemp plant is a natural repellent to insects, it does not require pesticide use and therefore Monsanto is against it too.

Despite those who try to dissuade the use of hemp, for nothing other than greed, shelled hemp seeds are available throughout the world and it is in your best interest to start including this superfood in your diet.  

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